Another episode of the Lunch and Learn today!

We’re going to hop over to the blog. I found a great article that Katie Allred wrote recently. It’s called Seven Strategies that will Change Your Social Media Game. And, after reviewing some of the strategies that Katie goes through, I wanted to highlight just a couple of them for you today as a reminder. We’re at the start of a new year and this is a great time to put down good habits and good routines. And so, hopefully this will spur some creativity and conversation on your team and that maybe you’ll pick one or two of the strategies and put them into action for your church.

Let’s get right to it: The first one is: “let’s get a transcript of that sermon” and I love what Katie is trying to say here. There’s a couple of ideas here. One is you can post your sermon transcripts as is, beneath your video, on your YouTube description or on your blog page. And that alone is going to help your SEO. Right off the bat. It’s a no-brainer.

I love It’s a great resource to use. If you want a $10 voucher to try out, no minimum, you can go to Rev.Butler.Church and there’s a coupon that they’ve arranged for us to give to you. Rev.Butler.Church for your first time usage of that transcription service to see what it’s like. It’s amazing.

The second idea she has is posting a sermon transcript for the deaf community — the fact that accessibility is starting to become an issue, Google’s going to reward you for things like that and it just is something that we should start to do from a diversity and inclusion standpoint. I love that she’s thinking about other communities that would be able to take advantage of a resource like this – it’s just so easy to put out there.

Third idea is getting a sermon transcript and it will help you to easily create social media. Those quote cards as we call them. Those little snippets or quotes that you pull out of a sermon and put on top of an image or a photo of the worship service or the pastor preaching it. Those are things that you can easily do on a weekly basis, on a routine basis, that’s going to help you fuel engagement on your church media channels. One of the things that we say in our seven-layer chips and dip framework — An evergreen calendar that we share here at Church Butler is that Sermon Soundbites is something that you should be doing at least one of the days of the week.

If you want to learn more about the chips and dip framework –  how to build a foundational seven-layer editorial calendar for your social media channels go to so that you can get my 20-minute video teaching there.

The second idea a no-brainer; let’s plan the week. She talks about plan the work, and then work the plan. She has a 7-Day sample schedule, very much like the chips and dip thing that you are going to see over at Butler.Church/chipsanddip

But, just having a simple basic plan that you can hear to week in, week out is going to be very helpful because you can be strategic with that plan of what type of content you were going to put out there. As we go down the list, I’m asking questions. There are tons of different types of questions that you were going to ask your community and that will elicit some sort of response whether it would be director-specific or timely event related or yes-no surveys or something about their experience that they’ve gone through at the church whether it would be Sunday worship service, at a program, Bible study, some sort of activity from the church. So, those are things that you can always, always get to and put out there and experiment. See how the communities is engaging.

Remember: your questions don’t have to be about Jesus and the church and God, religiously. You don’t need to be religious about it. I would ask other fun life oriented stuff. If you’re going to the season where Superbowl is coming up, we have an engagement post in our library that has a whole circle of different types of appetizers. There are chips and dips, chips basically, right? Snacks. And then, ask, “Which is the best Super Bowl snack for you?” Tag yourself or tag a friend and getting that type of response back is a lot of fun usually.

Number five is I think it should be number one because if you’ve been listening to me at all on this channel or others, you’ll hear me saying the phrase, it’s like in fashion, right? “What’s the new black this year when you go into the runways?” What is in fashion? What’s the basic? What’s the universal? What’s going to work no matter what? And here is “video is the New Black”. If you’re not working with video, if you’re not producing video, if you’re not publishing video in 2019, you’re going to be left behind. I’m sorry to say, it might be something that you don’t want to hear but video, as she says, almost, always outperform anything else on social media.

Now, you should upload these videos natively if possible and that it also means if you have video you should upload directly to Facebook rather than upload it to YouTube and sharing a link on Facebook, right? That’s what native means, uploaded directly to the network that you’re actually sharing it with.

Those are just some of the ideas in this post that she writes, 7 strategies that will change your game on social media. You can look it up on the Church Communications blog at I’d love to hear what other strategies and what are the things that that you can put into your workflow as a communicator regarding social media content that is going to work, that’s going to effectively lift, engagements, lift visibility awareness, things that you have been finding to be effective. I would love to hear that, either direct message me reach out to me or leave it as a comment below. Love hearing all the tactics that you guys are learning and putting into action on the local level.

I’m Kenny Jahng. Thank you for listening to today’s Lunch and Learn. Check out the Church Communication blog and also check out our blog at www.Butler.Church/blog.