For today’s Church Butler Lunch and Learn, Kenny interviewed Lauren McAllister, Social Media Manager of First Baptist Church.

See how much impact Facebook Ad marketing can do for your church.

Check it out below!

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Twitter: @lmichellejax




  • Facebook Ads
  • Boost
  • Power Editor
  • Facebook Ads Mobile App



[3:35] I feel like the boost post is a money grab from Facebook. It’s for people that really don’t understand much else which I understand. People may understand or misunderstand why it’s not good or not because Facebook makes it sounds promisy. I can get a million people and they all going to love me. But the fact of the matter is, that boosting post is kind of limited in demographics on what you’re showing to that demographic. It may or may not reach the people you’re looking to reach. So, that million people, there maybe like a quarter or probably even less unless they really care that they see what you’re showing.

[4:13] The other option is you’re saying, set up proactive, very specific Facebook ad campaigns. Real ads. Not just taking a post and boosting it. I am assuming you employ what we call inline ads that are in the newsfeed versus the sideline versus the little small boxes on the side index.

[5:08] Most people use social media now on their phone or their tablet. So, it’s really, you’re hitting a huge audience even if you take the desktop option.

[8:11] I’m excited every time I look, I kind of feel like Facebook is always adding new things. There are new ideas. There are so many ways to implement. One thing we’re looking to implement is family dynamics. You can say new mothers, new fathers, new parents, babies from age 0 to 4, you can say people that just moved in the area, you can say people have a new job, you can choose specific jobs, you can choose specific locations, you can choose a specific interest. You can go into super detailed searches.

[8:59] One thing that we’re looking to do actually hopefully in the near future, we’re going to start targeting new families in the area that facebook has targeted. Let’s say new to the Jacksonville location; they just moved. Then, we will have a targeted ad that shows a video about FBC Jacks could be their church home.

[10:27] You really want to focus on who your demographic is and what do you think they be interested in.

[10:57] Last month we were looking for some analytics and the video plays for women, we got them to 2 of video play. Men to 6 of video play. So women are more accessible on Facebook for that specific campaign. But, I think at the end of the day, you have to test. Test, test, test.

[11:19] If I had a $100 budget? I would not put it all in one campaign. I will separate that into 2 or 3 campaigns and test different demographics.

[11:42] Sometimes, if you have a younger audience, you may want to do something a little bit more slangy. Not slang, but kind of like conversational.

[14:47] You don’t need a lot of money to get onto Facebook ads.

[15:11] The smaller your budget, the more particular I would be with your demographics because you are limited in who you’re reaching.

[15:28] You can start with $10. If you can do $50 per week, that’s obviously better. But, if there’s something telling you that you can always start with something like that, go with it. You can definitely make a huge impact in your ministry by doing that.

[15:50] I actually have a friend who have a budget. He was saying, “Look, I go to Starbucks everyday and buy caramel macchiato. It’s $4.60 something a day.” He said, “What I’m going to do is I’m going to cut caramel macchiato for 40 days and invest that money. And see what happens with $4 in Facebook advertising.” The first week has been phenomenal. It just confirmed and encouraged him to stay on track of not going to Starbucks everyday. Isn’t this a great campaign?

[16:37] You can start small; you don’t have to go big. You actually can have serious results.

[16:45] Make sure you respond to people when they comment on your ads. I think that’s one thing people forget and you need to check in on your ad and respond. People will ask questions or they may just make a comment. Make sure you respond. ‘Cause it shows you’re not just a robot, playing out ads to be out there in the world. You’re an actual company, church, person, organization that’s doing this serious.



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