You’ve heard that video is the best way to reach audiences on Facebook, but you’re nervous.  

I get it; I was too.  

The good news is, you don’t have to be.  

Facebook Live is a great way to reach your online community, and it’s easy to get started.  Here are just a few things I learned using Facebook Live for my church.

5 Things I Learned Doing Facebook Live for My Church


Perfection is overrated

  • Although we want to put forth the best effort waiting until we have everything ‘just so’ is a waste of time.  First, it’s not going to happen.  Secondly, your audience likes to see the ‘real you,’ so being too polished will probably result in fewer views and shares.


Announcements are ok but stories are better

Facebook Live is a great way to give weekly updates about what is going on in the life of your church.  That said, because social media is designed to create community and connection, telling a story can draw your reader in and help them identify with your message.  Here’s an example, last year we did a campaign where we made ‘mercy bags’ containing basic items for our members to keep in their cars and give out when they saw someone in need.  I could have just said, “pick up your mercy bags on your way out of church on Sunday,” but instead I told a story of how I planned to share the bag.  


It’s just a conversation.

One thing that can be intimidating is the idea that you are talking to ALL of your audience LIVE!  To get rid of those jitters, I think of one person in our online community and talk to them.  I just pretend we are having a conversation.  I laugh, repeat myself sometimes, pause, and ask questions.  Just like an ‘in real life’ conversation.  That way, whenever someone watches, it seems like I am talking just to them and in a way, I am.


Interviews always win.  

If there is a new study, staff member, or sermon series that you want to share with your audience, try an interview.  This does two things. It takes the pressure off of you to be the only speaker and the interaction with another person from your church creates a sense of belonging and connection with the viewers.  Recently I interviewed two leaders in our women’s ministry, and it was a blast


Sharing experiences builds connection.

In today’s busy culture, not everyone can get to church every time there’s an event.  Just opening up Facebook on your smartphone and going live during an event is easy and shares the church experience with those not there.  It doesn’t have even to be a church service.  I did a live post of our members unloading pumpkins out of the back of a truck, and it was a hit.



Of course, there is always more to learn and more ideas about how you can use video for your church, but the most important thing is to get started.  Your first video is not going to be great, but you won’t get better without trying.  

Remember, it’s not about you, it’s about sharing the story of what God is doing in and through your church family.  You’re telling the greatest story, so just do it!



Jeanette Yates, or as her kids call her ‘Internet Jeanette’ is a church communicator, digital storyteller, avid podcast listener, and advocate for the church on social media. She invites you to connect with her on Twitter @jnetteyates